Shani Deeksha


शनि चिंतन प्रदान ग्रह है।इस कारण हर व्यक्ति शनि से डरता है और शनि बाधाका उपाय ढूंढ़ता है।वास्तव में बलवान शनि मनुष्य को विपत्ति में भी लड़ने की क्षमता  और ऐसे गुणों का विकास करता है जिससे वह व्यक्ति दूसरो पर हावी रहसकता है। किसी भी देवता को अनुकूल किया जा सकता है तो शनि को भीअनुकूल किया जा सकता है। वैसे विपरीत शनि होने पर मनुष्य उन्माद, रोग,अकारण क्रोध, वात रोग,स्नायु रोग आदि से ग्रसित हो सकता है।शनि जीवनमें आकस्मिकता की स्तिथि लाता है और जीवन में जो अकस्मात् घटनाए होती हैचाहे वे अच्छे फल की तरह हो अथवा बुरे फल की ओर,उनका मूल कारण शनि हीहै।शनि की साधना और मंत्र द्वारा इसे तीव्रता से अनुकूल बनाया जा सकता हैऔर जब ये अनुकूल होता है तो व्यक्ति को रंक से राजा बना देता है।

Category: Product ID: 6792


Shani is the planet of contemplation. That is why every person is afraid of Shani and Shani looks for the solution of obstacles. In fact, a strong Shani develops the ability to fight in a person even in adversity and such qualities that a person can dominate others. If any deity can be favoured, then Shani can also be favoured .By the way, when Saturn is opposite, a person can suffer from hysteria, disease, anger without any reason, gout, nervous disease etc. Shani brings a situation of suddenness in life and the sudden events that happen in life, whether they are like good results or towards bad results, their root cause is Shani.It can be made intensely favorable by Shani’s sadhna and mantra and when it is favorable, it makes a person a king from a wretch.

