
Dhanada yakshini Sadhana Deeksha
Dhanada yakshini Sadhana Deeksha

Price: $50

Everyone tries his or her best to acquire more and more wealth. But more important than acquiring wealth is making it flow continuously into one’s life or giving it a permanence. Our Rishis prescribed that wealth should come from good means otherwise it goes waste in activities like gambling, womanising and drinking. It is easy to take to the wrong path and try to earn as much as one can in a short time but such quickly acquired gains are never permanent.

Digambari Dakshin Kali Deeksha
Digambari Dakshin Kali Deeksha

Price: $50

Although many sadhanas related to Kali, Mahakali and Dakshin Kali are published in the texts, but Digambari Dakshin Kali Sadhana is considered very high in the field of Sadhana, Tantrik like Vama Khepa has also accepted that Digambari Dakshin Kali Sadhana is

Dus Mahavidya Deeksha
Dus Mahavidya Deeksha

Price: $100

Every Sadhak wants to complete the accomplishment of Dus Mahavidya Sadhana and get a divine power. In Tantra, worship of Devi-Shakti is referred to as a Vidya. Of the hundreds of tantric practices, the worship of the ten major Devis is called the Dasa Mahavidya. They are Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari (or Shodasi-Sri Vidya),.

Pratyangira Sadhana Deeksha
Pratyangira Sadhana Deeksha

Price: $50

Among the several forms of goddess Durga, Pratyangira for hold special significance. Shakti Mimansa explicitly mentions that a sadhak must perform this Sadhana in life. this sadhana is beneficial in removing fears from enimies, legal issues as well as for gaining influential power.

Paardeshwari Mahalakshmi Sadhana Deeksha
Paardeshwari Mahalakshmi Sadhana Deeksha

Price: $50

Goddess Mahalakshmi is the prime power of lord vishnu, she is among of ten mahavidyas and is known as kamala and is among one of the goddess trinity. she is worshipped across the globe as she is the nurture of this entire world. without goddess Mahalakshmi,

Madhumati Manjul Sadhana Deeksha
Madhumati Manjul Sadhana Deeksha

Price: $50

Madhumati Sadhana is the name of attaining the art of living a life overflowing with joy and merriment, full of love.
Manjul Sadhana is the Sadhana of Awakening the mind, it is Awakening the energy of new consciousness in the sleeping mind, due to the lack of which today’s youth is suffering from sick mentality of old age, has lost its self-confidence, the art of moving forward and living every moment of life to the fullest.

Aanand Taandav Sadhana Deeksha
Aanand Taandav Sadhana Deeksha

Price: $50


Aanand Taandav Sadhana of lord Shiva is a wonderful sadhana through which a sadhak can vanish boredom, laziness, Indolence, Worries and tensions from his life and instil into it a divine freshness. it is also an amazing sadhana through which professional dancers

Saraswati Deeksha (To Make Retarted Children Intelligent)
Saraswati Deeksha (To Make Retarted Children Intelligent)

Price: $50

Your Child Takes more timeĀ  than normal children to acquire any knowledge or he forgets what you tell him with in hour or two and you get upset and scold him. Although this is not his fault, it is natural thing that happens to him. therefore, to generate
