
Category: Product ID: 7355


In today’s selfish and deceitful life, a person does not experience the feeling of love, sweetness and tenderness, he goes through vicious cycles all day long. He remains entangled in conspiracies and Deepangana is the nymph of life. It becomes an inexhaustible source of sweetness, joy and love in the desert and becomes ready to flow.

Whether Apsara is a Bhogya or not – this question keeps rising in front of the seekers, but if the truth is told, then its answer is

There is nothing pre-made. This is just a wave of the mind. Just as the flow of a river does not have any definite form, to some it proves to be a pleasure, while to others it proves to be only a friend. To put it in a way, it is nature itself that understands whom one should live with and in what form and accepting him in that form is not only a dignity but also a compulsion of the seeker because no one (Apsara) can do anything as per his wish. Neither has been able to distort it, nor will it be able to distort it, and the truth is that the seeker should only sit as a witness in Sadhana. Its beauty lies in the mystery of how success in that sadhana will be achieved.
