
Sahasraakshari Siddha Chandi Mahavidya Anushthan
Sahasraakshari Siddha Chandi Mahavidya Anushthan

Price: $300

Sahasraakshari Siddha Chandi Mantra helps in dissolution of all negative Karmas and removal of dangers, miseries and obstruction from the life.
Goddess Chandi is Goddess Shakti in her fierce form. She is utmost powerful in this form and

Kali Kavach Anushthan
Kali Kavach Anushthan

Price: $100

Kali kavach Anushthan builds a magnetic energy pattern near the worshipper which repels the negative energies and helps attract positive and good vibrations only. Kavach is brought to us from the Brahma Vaivarta Puran. It was told by Lord Shiva

Navagraha Shanti Anushthan
Navagraha Shanti Anushthan

Price: $100

Navagraha is measured to be a best preparation for peace in life. due to malefic effects of nine planets, many times a person is not able to make improvement in life and proves to be failed in attaining his goal. the universe is dynamic

Shatru Samhara Anushthan
Shatru Samhara Anushthan

Price: $100

Shatru Samhara Anushthan is performed to protects us from our enemies. it also solves all the problems like constant loss in business, debts and helps to retain the wealth. It protects from evils energies and helps to revive back the good fortune and thus receiving positivity all around.

My Desired Ritual
My Desired Ritual

Price: $100

Desired Ritual is performed by Guruji on auspicious times only. Pooja involves invocation of God, panchopachar puja, recitation of 108 names of deities and powerful mantras, various strotras and tantrik pujas are included. Various deities are invoked to bestow

Sarva Karya Siddhi Anushthan
Sarva Karya Siddhi Anushthan

Price: $300

Sarva Karya Siddhi Anushthan is a Maha Puja for fulfilling one’s desire, success and wellbeing. One can perform this puja ritual for accomplishing success in any task, Profession or Business. This ritual helps you to remove negativity from within and around you to create a

Pitru Flaw (Dosh) Removal Ritual
Pitru Flaw (Dosh) Removal Ritual

Price: $100

Pitra Dosh (Nivaran) Redressal ritual is done only after seeing an auspicious time. In this (anushthan) ritual – Pitru, Gods and Goddesses are invoked and this ritual as a whole helps in minimizing the effects of Pitru Dosha and Pitru Curse as much as possible. In Pitru Dosh Nivaran Anushthan,

Beejyukt Shree Suktam Ritual
Beejyukt Shree Suktam Ritual

Price: $100

The Beejyukt Sri Suktam (Anushthaan) ritual, a fire ritual or Havan Yagya is performed with cow’s ghee along with Kamalgatta. It is said that a person who performs this ritual once daily or weekly, he will surely get wealth in less time. Goddess Mahalakshmi, known as the goddess of wealth in
