Swasthya Prapatti or Health Anushthan


Category: Product ID: 7397


Are you always sleepy?

Five to six hours of sleep is considered sufficient for a healthy body. But in the present time, running in the race of modernity, the person is mentally and physically tired, has become so much disturbed and in the desire of mental peace, he often feels unnecessarily sleepy, remains laziness. This sleep is not of a few hours, but he feels tired and tired throughout the day in his sleep and he does not get deep sleep even after lying down.

Can depression go away?

When a person is unable to achieve any object or goal as per his wish, then he starts feeling inferiority and hatred towards himself and he starts considering himself as unsuccessful, immature for any work; but a person can also be saved from his mentality (mindset). Make that person believe that he is capable of doing every task and at the same time do this experiment or the person himself who wants to get complete confidence.

Have you been losing weight continuously for a few days?

If there is excess weight, then the person tries to reduce it, but if the weight automatically decreases and is getting less day by day, then it is definitely a worrying fact for the person. If such people take this Ritual along with the advice of doctors, then they will surely get success.
