Desired Deeksha  is performed by Guruji on auspicious times only. Pooja involves invocation of God, panchopachar puja, recitation of 108 names of deities and powerful mantras, various strotras and tantrik pujas are included. Various deities are invoked to bestow blessings upon the devotee.Wish of a person is the convergence of imaginative thoughts the consequence of which delights us when thought about it. These wishes has very megre to highly aggressive influence on persons life. Desire is the person’s wish for a person or possess an object.If the desire of person is not fulfilled the person may experience depression, low in activity, insufficiency etc.
This Deeksha  helps to converge the frequency of your desires with that of the your frequency for them to realize. Everything in nature has a specific frequency and your desires too. To bestow blessings from deities this deeksha includes very powerful mantras, strotras, and confidential invocation mantras to invoke the dieties who will betow their blessings on the devotee.