Bhagwan Shiva Initiation


भगवान शिव योगी रुप में ही प्रकट हुए हैं किन्तु उनका स्वरुप पूर्णता का प्रतिक है । स्वर्णिम लहराती जटा में स्थित गंगा कलुषता नाशकी तथा चन्द्रमा अमृत का देवता है ।गले में लिपटा सर्प काल स्वरुप है अर्थात काल पर वश करने के कारण ही वे मृत्युंजय हैं, त्रिशूल तीन प्रकार के कष्टों दैहिक, दैविक, भौतिक के विनाश का सूचक है ।व्याघ्र चर्म मन की चंचलता के दमन का सूचक है, नन्दी रुपी धर्म पर वे आरुढ़ होने के कारण ही धर्मेश्वर हैं और शरीर पर भस्म लपेटे हुएपूर्ण निर्लिप्तता के प्रतिक हैं ऐसे ही सम्पूर्ण देव की आराधना कर साधक अपने जीवन को संवार सकता है ।

Category: Product ID: 6861


Lord Shiva has appeared in the form of Yogi but his form is a symbol of perfection. Situated in the golden wavy hair, Ganga is the deity of destruction and the moon is the god of nectar. The snake wrapped around the neck is the form of (death) Kaal, that is, due to the control of Kaal, he is deathless, Trishul is an indicator of destruction of three types of sufferings, physical, divine and material. The tiger skin is a sign of suppression of the restlessness of the mind, because of its mount on the Nandi form of religion, he is Dharmeshwar and is a symbol of complete detachment wrapped in ashes on the body, in the same way, by worshiping the entire God, the seeker can improve his life.
