Anant Sadhana Deeksha


Category: Product ID: 7119


obstacles keep coming in life because we are not completely pure and holy. Due to daily worldly behavior, three types of defects spread to us.

1. Speech defects – We have to pronounce falsehood in speech, conversation and behavior, due to this lie, speech defects spread,

2. Mind defects. -Whether we spread hatred, anger or ill-will towards anyone unknowingly, it spreads mental defects,

3. Facial defects – In today’s era, one has to eat at many places outside the house, where there is no sense of purity and sanctity, In such a situation, facial defects become prevalent.
To eliminate the above three defects, the only method mentioned in the scriptures is Anant Sadhana and it is also said that by performing Anant Sadhana once in a year, all the defects committed till now are eliminated.
